Sydney Buildings volunteers paint lamp posts

Primed lamp post on Sydney Buildings Repainted lamp post on Sydney Buildings

Congratulations and thank you to the Sydney Buildings householders who have been repainting the historic lamp posts along their street.

In a magnificant example of civic cooperation, BathNES Council provided paint for the project and residents gave their time and effort to paint the posts.

Individuals and community groups are welcome to approach Bathwick’s Lib Dem councillors, David Martin and Nicholas Coombes, to discuss launcing similar projects.

Planning Committee to decide Bathwick sites

David and Nicholas at the Lime Grove school site

There are two planning applications from Bathwick going to next week’s Development Control Committee meeting. One is the new application to build 13 houses on the old Lime Grove School site, the other is for a new house next to 6 Trossachs Drive in the back garden of 53 Minster Way.

You can have a look at the plans for Lime Grove here; it is for fewer houses than were refused permission last year, on a slightly different boundary. The plans for the Minster Way House are here; it is for a slightly larger house than was refused permission in 2003.

The council planning officers have recommended that both plans are approved. However, as the Lime Grove School site is owned by BathNES Council the Liberal Democrat cabinet member for Homes & Planning has requested that the Development Control Committee have the final say. Your local councillor Nicholas Coombes has requested that the Minster Way proposal is heard at committee because it is similar to a plan previously refused.

The application will be heard at the Wednesday 9th May meeting, which starts at 2pm in the Brunswick Room, Bath Guildhall. Anyone is welcome to watch the meeting, which will probably deal with these applications around 3pm.

Members of the public are also entitled to speak at the meeting, but they must register in advance. The deadline is 5pm Monday 7th to call 394435 or email Only three minutes is allowed for each side, so if there are multiple speakers they will have to share the time slot.

Comments and objections already sent to the council are included in the report to the committee. There is no need to re-submit a comment or objection or to make it in person.

Both of your Bathwick Liberal Democrat councillors are members of the Development Control Committee, so Nicholas and David must keep an open mind about the application until they have heard all of the evidence.

We hope that this information is helpful to you. We want to make sure that everyone is able to take part in this process to reach the right result.

MoD site consultation exhibition

Warminster Road site

The Ministry of Defence plan to close their three bases in Bath and move operations to Abbey Wood in Bristol. This means that the Warminster Road People, Pay & Pensions Agency site will close. The MoD intend to put the site up for sale in September and expect to move out in March 2013.

Bath & North East Somerset Council are preparing ‘Concept Statements’ for the sites with the MoD. These are intended to guide potential developers of the sites so that they know what is expected of them.

One thing is certain – at least 140 homes should be built on the Warminster Road site. Neighbours will have been aware of this likelihood for many years and the number is set out in the Council’s planning policy. There is a need for housing in Bath to accommodate our growing population and the increasing number of small households.

The Liberal Democrats who run BathNES Council, including your local councillors Nicholas Coombes and David Martin are also keen that new buildings are completed to good environmental standards, so that the homes will use little energy to build and occupy. We also want a high proportion of the homes to be affordable, so that young families and low paid workers can continue to live in our city.

Working from these assumptions, council staff have drawn up a draft plan for the site. We would like to know what you think about the site, what you like about the plan and what you would change. This is a genuine consultation and we care what you think.

The plans are available for you to read and make comments on online here.

There will also be a public exhibition at St Mary’s Primary School in three weeks time. The plans will be on display and members of council staff will be available to explain them to you and listen to your thoughts. Your local Lib Dem councillors will also be attending.

The exhibition will be open Thursday 17th May 3-7pm and Saturday 19th 9am-noon.

We hope that you will take part in the consultation and look forward to hearing your opinions.

Neighbourhood Watch

Neighbourhood Watch

Many parts of Bathwick are covered by Neighbourhood Watch schemes.  Their purpose is to unite neighbourhoods in an effort to prevent crime, by protecting and enhancing the environment and generally looking out for each other’s properties. 

Statistics show that it is a very successful crime prevention initiative.  If your area is not currently covered by Neighbourhood Watch, please get in touch and we would be happy to advise how to set one up.

Drains uncovered

darlington place path drain

Following a request from Cllr David Martin, the drains on the Darlington Place pathway have been uncovered. Both had been burried under years of built up mud. Unfortunately one is completely blocked and further action will need to be talken. BathNES Council are now investigating the legal status of the pathway.

Allotments Forum – 25th April

canal gardens allotments

The newly established Allotments Forum meets twice a year, and is a public event to which all the city’s allotment tenants, applicants on the waiting list and councillors are invited.

The next (second) Allotments Forum will be held in the Brunswick room, Guildhall, on Wednesday 25th April at 6pm.

The minutes of the Forum held in November 2011, which contain the terms of reference, can be downloaded from

There is a long waiting list for allotments at the canal gardens site in Bathwick. However, in recent months new tenants have taken on the challenge of five vacant plots after lobbying by fellow allotment holders and local councillor Nicholas Coombes.

Lime Grove housing plans submitted

David and Nicholas at the Lime Grove school site

The developer seeking to build 13 homes on the Lime Grove school site have submitted their planning application.

A previous application for 19 homes was refused last year; since then Bloor Homes have scaled down the development by removing the five affordable homes planned. A description of the scheme was circulated to neighbours last month.

You can look at the plans on the council website, where you can also comment about the proposals. The reference for the application is 12/00980/FUL.

Bathwick councillors David Martin and Nicholas Coombes both sit on the Development Control committee. This means that they should not comment on the plans in advance in case they are asked to decide on the application. However, both will happily offer advice about how to take part in the consultation process.

Holburne listed for prize

The Holburne Museum extension

The Holburne Museum is in contention for the 2012 Art Fund Prize. The prize is worth £100,000 for the museum of the year.

It has been long-listed for the final ten, and the Holburne has asked that supporters recommend it at  The closing date for submissions is 22nd April, with the results due in June.

Last year our own Roman Baths were beaten into second place by the British Museum, their impressive refit unable to compete with the ‘History of the World’ project in London.

Bathwick Hill on Olympic Torch route

Olympic Torch route map

The Olympic Torch will pass down Bathwick Hill on Tuesday 22nd May.

The flame is being carried for 8,000 miles across Britain before being taken to the Olmpic Games opening ceremony in July.

In Bath it will be carried from the University, through the city centre, to Newbridge. Roads along the route will be closed and parking suspended. Full details are at

The public is invited to line the route to cheer on the torchbearers as they pass.