Friends wanted for Smallcombe Cemetery

Smallcombe cemetery

Cllr David Martin joined dozens of local residents for a tour of Smallcombe Cemetery to explore restoration ideas. He is liaising with BathNES Council with a number of issues.

A new group, Friends of St Mary’s Churchyards, is being formed  to lead the project. They are interested in repairing walls and memorials, managing and encouraging wildlife and improving access.

If you want to join the Friends, or help with horticultural tasks, please email for details.


Josepg Wright exhibition opens at Holburne

David Martin and Nicholas Coombes at the Holburne Museum

A new exhibition of the work of Joseph Wright from his time in Bath in 1775-77 has opened at the Holburne Museum. The portrait painter had a brief but formative period in Bath attempting to serve the fashionable Georgian spa patrons.

The exhibition is open until May, described by The Telegraph as “first class”. Until 9 February it is accompanied by a wood engraving display, and from 15 February a playful display is installed on the Ballroom table.

Cllr Nicholas Coombes is a trustee of the Holburne and worked to support the recent extension through the planning process.

Bath bus survey

David Martin with the bus petition

Your local Liberal Democrats are working with bus operators and passengers to improve bus services in Bath.

Council Lib Dems have persuaded the biggest local bus operator (First Bus) to hold a review of its local fares and services in 2014. We are also working to secure a similar review from all other bus operators.

Bathwick councillors David Martin and Nicholas Coombes want to hear your experience of using buses locally, and any suggestions you have on how to improve them. They will use these to push for improvements from all bus companies.

Please take a couple of minutes to complete the survey at, or look out for the survey when it is delivered through your door.

University Neighbours’ Forum – 4th February

University parade

University management, local residents and your Bathwick councillors will be meeting on Tuesday 4th February from 5:30pm.

The forum is a termly meeting to discuss events and activities on the Claverton Down campus, and for local residents to share concerns and ideas about the university. The forum was established by Cllr Niholas Coombes to help improve relationships between university management and the people who live near campus.

If you are interested in attending, RSVP to

Council agrees HGV ban research

Council chamber

BathNES Council has agreed to use the planned closure of the A36 to monitor HGV movements through the city. This could provide evidence to support an HGV ban over Cleveland Bridge.

The A36 is due to be closed from March for three months so that the Highways Agency can stabilise the slope around Claverton and Monkton Combe. This will divert traffic to alternatives routes, mostly through Wiltshire.

BathNES Council Liberal Democrats have previously sought to prevent HGVs crossing Cleveland Bridge, but were prevented by objections from Conservatives on Wiltshire Council. Now the closure of the A36 provides an opportunity to monitor displaced traffic to provide evidence supporting an HGV ban in Bath.

For the first time, the council meeting was webcast, which means that residents can watch a recording over the internet.


David and Nicholas at the Darlington Wharf eco-houses

Energy@Home is the Council’s new project to provide grants for energy saving improvements. The aim is to support homeowners and privately renting tenants to make their homes warmer and keep their fuel bills as low as possible.

Grant offers, which apply across the whole of B&NES, are subject to available funding, eligibility and a home energy assessment. To qualify, people must be in receipt of certain benefits. The grants, which may be fully funded, can cover loft insulation, cavity wall insulation and boiler upgrades.

The project is funded by B&NES Council and Scottish and Southern Energy. To find out more, contact the Home Energy Team on 0800 082 2234, email or visit

Cllr David Martin, who is the Council’s Energy Champion, said “With energy bills an increasing concern for residents, this initiative is a welcome means of helping people to improve the energy efficiency of their homes.”

Smallcombe Cemetery Restoration Project

Smallcombe cemetery

The Friends of St Mary’s Cemeteries, together with the National Trust, are applying to the Heritage Lottery Fund for a grant to restore Smallcombe Cemetery and create a link pathway through the cemetery from the Bath Skyline Walk leading onwards to the City.

Members of local ResidentsAssociations are invited to join a tour of the cemetery and discover what is being planned and learn about opportunities for their active involvement in this project. The tour of “Bath’s secret cemetery” is on Saturday 11th January from 11am.

The cemetery is accessed via the private road at the bend where Sydney Buildings joins Horseshoe Walk. The tour will start at the cemetery gate and will last around one and half hours.

Safer school crossing for Warminster Road approved

David Martin inspects the school crossing site

Construction of a traffic island outside St Mary’s Primary School has been approved by the Liberal Democrat councillor in charge of transport.

Cllr Caroline Roberts has signed off the parking changes necessary to facilitate the safer crossing on Warminster Road. Some parking spaces will be lost to ensure good visibility of pedestrians using the crossing, but this will be partly offset by the removal of redundant bus bays.

Residents of the Minster Way estate have petitioned the council for a safer crossing. A number of options have been assessed and consulted upon to improve the scheme. Bathwick councillors David Martin and Nicholas Coombes have worked to ensure that the most convenient route, linking the St Christopher’s Close alley to the gate of St Mary’s Primary, was pursued.

Holburne Christmas light show begins

Holburne lights

The Holburne Museum has switched on its seasonal light show. This is the third year since reopening that the museum has installed a light show in its grounds over the Christmas period.

This year, the museum itself plays a greater part in the experience, as the extension is lit up by dozens of lamps, pulsing and changing colours. The reflective surface of the ceramic responds in unexpected ways, glowing and sparkling.

The lights are free to view from the cafe, but to complete the experience, hire headphones to listen to a specially composed soundtrack to which the lights dance. The lights are switched on at 4pm every evening until 5 January.

The Chronicle has an album of photos,and amateur photographers have shared some of theirs from the Holburne twitter feed.