Holburne’s 100,000th visitor

David Martin and Nicholas Coombes at the Holburne Museum

This week the Holburne Museum has welcomed its 100,000th visitor since re-opening in May.

The museum closed for two years for the rennovation of the Grade I listed building and the construction of a bold modern extension. They had expected 90,000 visitors in their first year of re-opening.

The American Museum on Claverton Down is now closed for the winter, but celebrated its 50th anniversary this year.

New for the Christmas period at the Holburne is the Field of Light exhibition, for which thousands of glowing bulbs have sprung up in the gardens surrounding the cafe – well worth a visit after dark.

University term begins

University parade

The University of Bath term starts on 3rd October.

However, first year students will be arriving to move in to their campus accomodation from 23rd September. Over this weekend there will be heavy traffic, though arrivals have been staged into timeslots across the whole weekend.

There will also be an introductory Freshers’ Week before term starts which may have some disruptive events in town and on campus as new students adjust to living away from home.

University neighbours’ forum – 6th September

University parade

The next forum for residents living near the University of Bath is on 6th September.

The meeting is for the university and its neighbours to discuss current issues and forthcoming events. Email g.gillespie@bath.ac.uk to RSVP and recieve a copy of the agenda.

After the sporting activities on campus over the summer break, major events now return to an academic base. There will be an open day on 17th September which is expected to attract 2,000 visitors by bus and private car. The main period of disruption will be the annual moving-in weekend for first year students living on campus. This will be from 23rd Septmeber, followed by Freshers week. This will climax in parallel with the world majorettes championships which will attract 1,000 participants and spectators to the Sports Training Village over the weekend from the 29th September.

Student Community Partnership

University parade

The Student Community Partnership brings together representatives of B&NES Council and the two universities and their Students’ Unions. Cllr Will Sandry of Oldfield Park has recently taken the chair of the partnership, bringing a greater appreciation of local residents’ concerns to their meetings.

The annual report of the SCP has been published here; more details of the partnership are on their website at www.townandgown.org.uk. Of most practical interest is the Student Action Line, allowing concerns to be reported to 01225 396996.

Holburne re-opens

The Holburne Museum extension

This weekend the Holburne Museum re-opens after restoration and extension.

The modern extension has receieved almost universal praise locally and nationally. However, it wasn’t always the case. I am very proud to have supported the museum through all three of their planning applications. Indeed, speaking as ward member to the original planning meeting was my first speech as a councillor.

Entry is now free to the museum, with a charge for exhibitions. Details are at www.holburne.org.uk; please do enjoy our local museum.

Housing exhibition for Lime Grove School site

Dr Martin and Cllr Coombes at the old Lime Grove School

A housing developer is to hold an exhibition of their plans for the Lime Grove School site.

They intend to build 20 family homes on the plot, including the required number of affordable homes. The developer is Bloor Homes and the architects are local firm Nash Partnership with Nicholas Pearson landscape architects.

The exhibition will be at the Widcombe Social Club on Widcombe Hill. It is open from 4 – 8 pm on Wednesday 13th April. This is organised by Meeting Place  communications, a local PR company, who invite comments on 422243 and to info@meetingplacecommunications.com

The proposal is bound to be of great interest to many residents, who had previously feared a wet-house on the site. This exhibition is being presented before planning permission is sought, although the scope for changes is not likely to be significant.

Cllr Nicholas Coombes sits on the Planning Committee and is willing to give advice to ensure a articulate and informed hearing.

University Neighbours’ Forum

Bath University

The Spring meeting of the University Neighbours’ Forum is on Tuesday 8th Feb at 5:30pm.

I established this forum two years ago to improve communication between Bath University and its near neighbours on Claverton Down. The Autumn meeting covered the University’s Masterplan and travelplan and also mentioned the Combe Down footpath and Avenue phone mast.

If you would like to attend or add anything to the agenda please contact G.Gillespie@bath.ac.uk

Warminster Road school crossing

Cllr Coombes and Dr Martin with the Warminster Road crossing campaign

Last September David Martin, along with local residents and councillors, petitioned the council for a school crossing on the A36 Warminster Road. Dr Martin is a school governor of Bathwick St. Mary’s Primary.

B&NES have now proposed that a central island pedestrian refuge is installed close to the rear entrance of Bathwick St Mary Primary School. This will also serve the footpath from the end of St. Christopher’s Close.  Although this is not a complete solution, we welcome the improved safety that this refuge with bring. 

However, it is not likely to be funded until 2013.  It is possible that improved signage can be funded earlier.  We will continue to press B&NES to raise the scheme up the priority list.