Lime Grove approved; Minster Way rejected

David and Nicholas at the Lime Grove school site

Of the two Bathwick planning applications decided by the Development Control Committee yesterday one was approved and the other rejected. Your local Liberal Democrat councillors voted against both.

The Lime Grove application was brought to the planning committee under a new protocol introduced by the Liberal Democrat administration – that proposals on council owned land are determined in public. Nicholas Coombes and David Martin judged that the proposal was not good enough for Bathwick. Their main objections were that the houses would be built to the lowest possible environmental standards, that they were not adequately protected from the railway noise and that the development missed the opportunity to improve the adjacent footpath. However, the majority of the committee agreed with the plannig officer that the application was acceptable.

Cllr Nicholas Coombes brought the application for a new house in a Minster Way back garden to the committee as a previous proposal had been rejected. The planning officer judged that the latest proposal was sufficiently different from the 2003 application to be approved. However, the planning committee disagreed and voted to reject the proposal on principle.

Planning Committee to decide Bathwick sites

David and Nicholas at the Lime Grove school site

There are two planning applications from Bathwick going to next week’s Development Control Committee meeting. One is the new application to build 13 houses on the old Lime Grove School site, the other is for a new house next to 6 Trossachs Drive in the back garden of 53 Minster Way.

You can have a look at the plans for Lime Grove here; it is for fewer houses than were refused permission last year, on a slightly different boundary. The plans for the Minster Way House are here; it is for a slightly larger house than was refused permission in 2003.

The council planning officers have recommended that both plans are approved. However, as the Lime Grove School site is owned by BathNES Council the Liberal Democrat cabinet member for Homes & Planning has requested that the Development Control Committee have the final say. Your local councillor Nicholas Coombes has requested that the Minster Way proposal is heard at committee because it is similar to a plan previously refused.

The application will be heard at the Wednesday 9th May meeting, which starts at 2pm in the Brunswick Room, Bath Guildhall. Anyone is welcome to watch the meeting, which will probably deal with these applications around 3pm.

Members of the public are also entitled to speak at the meeting, but they must register in advance. The deadline is 5pm Monday 7th to call 394435 or email Only three minutes is allowed for each side, so if there are multiple speakers they will have to share the time slot.

Comments and objections already sent to the council are included in the report to the committee. There is no need to re-submit a comment or objection or to make it in person.

Both of your Bathwick Liberal Democrat councillors are members of the Development Control Committee, so Nicholas and David must keep an open mind about the application until they have heard all of the evidence.

We hope that this information is helpful to you. We want to make sure that everyone is able to take part in this process to reach the right result.

Lime Grove housing plans submitted

David and Nicholas at the Lime Grove school site

The developer seeking to build 13 homes on the Lime Grove school site have submitted their planning application.

A previous application for 19 homes was refused last year; since then Bloor Homes have scaled down the development by removing the five affordable homes planned. A description of the scheme was circulated to neighbours last month.

You can look at the plans on the council website, where you can also comment about the proposals. The reference for the application is 12/00980/FUL.

Bathwick councillors David Martin and Nicholas Coombes both sit on the Development Control committee. This means that they should not comment on the plans in advance in case they are asked to decide on the application. However, both will happily offer advice about how to take part in the consultation process.

Residents to be involved in MoD site plans

Warminster Road site

Local residents will be asked for their opinions on the future of Bath’s MoD sites.

Today the council’s planning, transport and environment committee approved the production of ‘Concept Statements’ which will outline how the sites can be developed. The MoD are expected to start selling their three sites in Bath from September this year, and expect to have moved to Abbey Wood in Bristol by March 2013. The Warminster Road site currently houses the People, Pensions & Pay Agency, but has been allocated for 140 houses.

Draft concept statements will be available for public comment during April and May. There will be an exhibition near the site plus all of the documents will be available online. Leaflets will also be sent to neighbours of the site informing them of the plans.

Throughout May local residents will be asked to comment on the concept statements and complete questionnaires about their views for the sites. The concept statements will be amended over the summer so that they are ready in time for potential developers to inspect before buying the sites.

How to make your home fit for the future

Bath homes fit for the future

B&NES Council, Transition Bath and the Bath Preservation Trust have organised a programme of events during March and April to provide practical guidance on improving the energy efficiency of your home.  The principle event is an open homes weekend on 17-18 March.  There will be 12 houses across the city, and these will showcase a variety of energy efficiency measures ranging from low cost to high tech, in different types of buildings from heritage and listed to modern and new build.

The weekend is free and open to everyone, but some visits must be booked in advance.  For more information about booking and to see where the homes are located, have a look at the web site:

In Bathwick there are two show homes.  These are at Darlington Wharf, which is a new build terrace of eco-homes, and the straw bale house at the University of Bath campus on Claverton Down.  Cllr David Martin, who is the Member Champion for Energy and Climate Change, said: “This initiative is an excellent means of meeting the homeowners who have improved their homes to make them more energy efficient.  Visitors can learn about the practicalities, get tips on how to go about the work and see for themselves what can be done.  It is a great chance to make your own home warmer, greener and less expensive to run”.  Cllr Martin will help as a steward at the Darlington Wharf eco-homes site.

Public to be consulted on MoD developments

Warminster Road site

Local residents will be asked about their priorities for the redevelopment of the Bath MoD sites.

The Minstry of Defence will be closing their office bases at Warminster Road, Ensleigh and Foxhill and tranferring staff to Abbey Wood. The sites will be put up for sale in September and are expected to be redeveloped in 2013.

The Council’s housing plan allocates 140 homes to the People, Pensions and Pay Agency site on Warminster Road, though the Chronicle reports that the MoD believe that more can be accommodated.

BathNES Council will prepared a ‘vision document’ to guide development on the sites. They will consult with local people over the summer.

“We all know that Bath needs more housing,” said Bathwick councillor Nicholas Coombes, “and we’ve been ready for the closure of the Warminster Road base for years. Now we need to think what sort of development we want to see on the site.”

Lib Dem council to regulate shared housing

Houses in Multiple=

The new Liberal Democrat administration has moved to regulate houses in multiple occupation.

Shared housing (HMOs), used by students and young professionals, is generally in Oldfield Park, but a number of homes in Bathwick and on Claverton Down have been converted in recent years. Rented HMOs provide affordable housing to thousands of Bath residents, but their proliferation has caused problems in some parts of the city.

The Lib Dems are investigating methods to better regulate HMOs to drive up standards and drive out poor landlords leading to safer and better maintained houses. They have also allocated funding to formulate changes to planning policy.

An Article 4 Directive allows councils to depart from national planning policy, in this instance Use Class Orders. Current planning policy does not distinguish between the uses of family and shared homes, allowing legal conversion in any circumstance. By changing the local application of Use Classes through an Article 4 Directive, the council will bforce prospective landlords to apply for planning permission before converting a single dwelling to an HMO. This will allow local residents to respond to such applications and argue against where it would have damage to their community.

Bath MoD sites set to close

Warminster Road site

The Ministry of Defence has confirmed that it will close all of its bases in Bath over the coming years.

The Warminster Road site had been expected to close for several years, but there was some hope that the Ensleigh site could be maintained. The Foxhill site will also close; in total 2,600 staff will be transferred to Abbey Wood in Bristol.

The Warminster Road site was used by the People, Pensions and Pay Agency and is likely to be vacated by 2013. The site is seven hectares/17 acres and has been allocated by the council as suitable for 140 houses. This is comparable to the Minster Way/St. Christopher’s Close estate.

Housing exhibition for Lime Grove School site

Dr Martin and Cllr Coombes at the old Lime Grove School

A housing developer is to hold an exhibition of their plans for the Lime Grove School site.

They intend to build 20 family homes on the plot, including the required number of affordable homes. The developer is Bloor Homes and the architects are local firm Nash Partnership with Nicholas Pearson landscape architects.

The exhibition will be at the Widcombe Social Club on Widcombe Hill. It is open from 4 – 8 pm on Wednesday 13th April. This is organised by Meeting Place  communications, a local PR company, who invite comments on 422243 and to

The proposal is bound to be of great interest to many residents, who had previously feared a wet-house on the site. This exhibition is being presented before planning permission is sought, although the scope for changes is not likely to be significant.

Cllr Nicholas Coombes sits on the Planning Committee and is willing to give advice to ensure a articulate and informed hearing.

Transport plan – stubborn Conservatives throw another £11M at the BRT

Bath Guildhall

On Thursday the full council debated the Joint Local Transport Plan. While this is a 130 page document with nine supplementary documents still to come, all of the attention is on one thing.

Even the report acknowledges that the main method for delivering the transport improvements are ten major projects across the greater Bristol region, worth £600M. The problem is that none of them have been given government funding. Only one is in BathNES  – the Bath Package, of Park & Rides, bus roads and bus stop improvements. The coalition  government has told B&NES to think again and come back when the scheme is better value for money and has greater local support.

The Conservatives running B&NES re-submitted their plan in secret last December, but it took me until this week to find out what they had proposed on our behalf. They had made cuts – they propose to remove bus lanes from the A36 and A4 and also to cut back on bus stop improvements and information screens. This is supposed to save £7.9M, but on my analysis there’s a lot more ‘value engineering’ necessary and more cuts to come to reach £7.9M. Unfortunately their cuts are of useful and popular elements which would really make a difference to bus reliability and patronage.

There is one obvious cut – the £20M proposed to spend on the bus road through businesses and back gardens in Newbridge. This route is universally unpopular, absurdly expensive and absolutely useless. The 1 mile route is a parallel alternative to the uncongested Upper Bristol Road. Even the bid document says that it will not reduce congestion or pollution and will save no more than one minute on the bus journey time. It is supposed to join with the Western Riverside development, but this won’t be finished for another 30 years – until then the bus route would actually be longer than currently. However, the Conservative Council leadership refuse to consider removing it.

To fund their obsession with this bus road, B&NES taxpayers are to be billed £18M. This covers the £8.7M of our money already spent on the project – including three attempts to bully my planning committee, lawyers fees to defend legal challenges from B&NES residents and a public enquiry to compulsarily purchase residents’ back gardens. Another £9.1M has is to be offered to make the remaining plan more attractive for central government funding.

At the council meeting it is becoming obvious that the Conservatives are driving our council to an ‘all or nothing’ condition. Again and again they have blocked debate on this issue, most recently refusing a proposal of cross party co-operation in November. There are alternatives and it’s not too late to change the Bath Package – the final bid isn’t until the Autumn. However, through their own stubborness and mismanagement the Conservatives are putting the whole package at risk.

Bath needs a transport solution but what is on offer from the Conservatives is expensive and ineffective.