Council leaders have insisted that their Partnership meetings with Bath and Bath Spa Universities be kept secret, despite repeated requests from a local councillor. Conservative Leader of the Council, Francine Haeberling, says “The Student Community Partnership meetings are held in private. The terms of reference provide for an annual public meeting”
Bathwick ward councillor, Nicholas Coombes, thinks that he has a lot to offer the talks though: “Armand Edwards and I are very visible ward councillors; we know what the problems are, both for local residents and the students, who we also represent. It doesn’t make sense not to include local people in these meetings; this is a typical example of the retreat to the Guildhall we have seen in this administration.”
Both Cllrs Coombes and Edwards are also students at the University of Bath, which is within their Bathwick ward. Cllr Haeberling represents Saltford, near Keynsham, with a minimal student population.
The new Conservative council provoked anger from the universities, colleges and students when they closed the successful Student Liaison Committee without warning on their opening night in power. Its replacement, the Student Community Partnership includes only two members of the council, the other being Chris Watt, failed parliamentary candidate for Wansdyke. To the annoyance of many mature students, university issues are covered in his ‘Childrens’ Services’ portfolio.
Cllr Coombes (Lib Dem, Bathwick) will be sending written questions to both conservative cabinet members about the secret meetings this week. “Firstly, I want to know why these meetings are held in private; what is there to hide? More importantly, I want to know if the Student Community Partnership is functioning at all. I have heard that transport was discussed at the last meeting; with the new term about to start have they made any clear plans to tackle the problems? Students and locals have complained to me about the quality of the bus service; I use it myself, so I know that it’s unreliable, overcrowded and expensive. However, with these meetings in secret, I don’t even know if the council is taking it seriously.”
The answer to my question was that the meetings will be in secret, but there haven’t yet been any. That’s nine months since the old SLC was scrapped without a single meeting between the council leadership and university executive.