Bathwick residents met with representatives of the police, BathNES Council and their local councillors to discuss local issues.
The Police and Communities Together (PaCT) met on 6th December at St Mary’s Primary School. After a discussion of previous priorities, the meeting agreed that work should be targetted at:
- Installation of an electronic 30mph speeding sign on the A36 inbound close to Trossachs Drive
- The council to continue resourcing extra parking enforcement outside Tesco on Bathwick Hill
- All agencies and partners to support the resumption of local Bathwick small to medium sized bus services to use Pulteney Bridge, for which a petition is being produced by local councillors
At the meeting police also reported a rise in lead thefts in the area and warned residents to be vigilant. While extra checks had been implemented at scrap metal merchants, the wholesale value of lead has made this a profitable trade.
BathNES Council’s representative reported that in the previous six months 248 parking inspections had been made on Bathwick Hill, resulting in the issue of 63 tickets. This averages as one every three days.