Tesco apply to extend alcohol licence to midnight


Tesco on Bathwick Hill have applied to extend their alcohol licence to allow the store to sell drink between 6am and midnight.Currently the stores closes at 9pm, when their existing licence stops.

People who live within the vicinity of the store may make representations before 30 December 2014. They must complete a form and post or email it to licencing@bathnes.gov.uk. Representations should cover any of the four licencing objectives:

  • the prevention of crime and disorder,
  • public safety,
  • prevention of public nuisance,
  • the protection of children from harm.

Some will remember that Tesco’s original licence application in 2008 was for later hours, which Cllr Nicholas Coombes and local residents persuaded the licencing committee to reduce.

New street lights for North Road

Claire Jackson on North Road

The street lights on North Road are to be replaced with new energy efficient LED lights to match those of Bathwick and Widcombe Hills.

The existing yellow sodium lights have reached the end of their life, so will be replaced with clear white lights. The new lamps shine a brighter light onto the road and pavement, which is easier to see by, while reducing light pollution. There will be slightly more lamps, spaced closer together, as the columns are shorter than at present.

Liberal Democrat led BathNES Council has won awards for their energy efficiency projects, including the street light replacement project, which save both carbon emissions and taxpayers money.

Graffiti cleaned from Lime Grove path

path graffiti cleaned

Graffiti has been cleaned from the side of the railway arch over Pulteney Road. Your local councillors have reported graffiti for cleaning in this location many times.

The path from Pulteney Road to the canal, crossing Lime Grove, is in need of significant improvement. In recent years, lobbying from Bathwick’s Liberal Democrat councillors has resulted in improved lighting along the path and small scale clean ups. However, much more work is needed.

Developers of the new Rennie Close estate have provided BathNES Council with money to improve the path as a condition of their planning permission. Nicholas Coombes and David Martin are pushing council staff to create a plan of action and improve the path as soon as possible. While there is funding available to undertake the work, there has been no staff time to plan it. Your local councillors are fighting for this work to be given a higher priority.

Raby Place streetlights reported

David Martin and Nicholas Coombes at Raby Place

Cllr Nicholas Coombes has acted to fix the streetlights at the bottom of Bathwick Hill, opposite Raby Place.

A week ago just one lamp was broken, but since Tuesday three in a row have been out of action. The fault has been reported to BathNES Council and engineers are due to fix the problems shortly.

Problems like broken streetlights, overflowing litter bins and damaged benches or signage can be reported by anyone to Council Connect on 01225 394041, or by email to councilconnect@bathnes.gov.uk.

Policing plan consultation

The policing plan guides the police’s priorities. The plan for 2013 has been drawn up by the new Police and Crime Commissioner and is now available for the public to view and comment.

During her first months in office, the Police and Crime Commissioner has only a brief window in which to consult the wider community in the development of the 2013/14 Policing Plan for Avon and Somerset.

Below is a link to the on-line version of this consultation www.consultation.avonandsomerset.police.uk/aspola/plan-consultation-13-14/ Hard copies are also available by calling 01275 816377.

It is intended that subsequent consultations will be given several months for completion. Nevertheless, your immediate assistance in this years consultation would be most gratefully received.

Vote for Pete Levy on Thursday 15th November

Pete Levy for Police Commissioner

Pete is a former policeman who’ll work hard to protect your family, home and business.

He’s had frontline police experience with Wiltshire Constabulary. He then served six years with the Royal Military Police.

He’s got in depth knowledge of Avon and Somerset Police serving on its Police Authority for the last two years. He’s dealt with budget cuts whilst working with the police to ensure they provide the highest level of service.

He will be inclusive, honest, fair, independent-minded and accountable.

On the first day of taking office he will:

  • Commit our police to continue to reduce overall crime.
  • Support victims of crime and ensure witnesses get the help they need.
  • Robustly tackle all drugs related crime whilst working with agencies to pursue a constructive approach to drug and alcohol addiction.
  • Ensure a fair share of resources across rural and urban communities.
  • Commit to helping vulnerable members of society and work with other agencies to provide support for those with mental health issues.
  • Tackle all violence against women and girls and all forms of exploitation.
  • Be a voice for minorities in our communities.
  • Work across public services to ensure a vibrant yet safe night-time economy.
  • Reduce re-offending by enforcing a robust restorative justice regime.
  • Tackle all types of anti-social behaviour and stand by repeat victims.
  • Build an effective neighbourhood forum to focus on issues of common interest including graffiti, vandalism, speeding, dog fouling.

Pete was born in Somerset; He lives in Bristol. He knows our area and the wonderful people who live here. Like you he wants to live and work in a safe community.

Please give Pete your first preference vote on Thursday 15th November. Poll are open 7am-10pm at the normal polling stations.

Pete Levy launches campaign in Bath

Pete Levy for Police Commissioner

The Liberal Democrat candidate for Police Commissioner, Pete Levy, launched his campaign in Bath on Saturday. The election will be held on November 15th and for the first time will give local people a say in how Avon and Somerset Police is run.

Pete met up with local councillor Nicholas Coombes to discuss the crime issues we face in Bathwick. High on Pete’s agenda is anti-social behaviour and better support for victims.

Pete said: “This is going to be a fight between me and the Conservative who cut PCSOs, cut community safety and ran Somerset Council into the ground. I know the people of Bath don’t want him to do the same to our Police force.”

Pete is former policeman himself so knows what it takes to do the job. Cllr Nicholas Coombes said “I’m really glad that Pete Levy is standing up for local communities against the Conservative. We need someone like him to make sure our police are able to continue to keep Bathwick safe.”

Temporary fence to protect railway in Sydney Gardens

Sydney Gardens railway line

This week Network Rail will erect a temporary fence alongside the railway line in Sydney Gardens.

They have been attempting for several years to increase the separation between the high speed trains on the Great Western line and park users. The rail regulator has powers to compel safety improvements.

Many will have attended an exhibition of proposed permentant fences a few years ago. This fence being erected this week is a temporary fence made of chestnut paling. After negotiations with BathNES Council a temporary solution was accepted so that a permenant and more acceptable solution can be found when the park is restored in the next few years.

New lighting for Lime Grove path

Lime Grove canal path lamp post Lime Grove railway path lamp post

New lights are being installed on the footpath from Pulteney Road to the canal.

The footpath, which runs past Lime Grove School and Canal Gardens Allotments, has been poorly lit in the past, particularly under the railway arch. This area is also prone to graffiti attacks.

The request for improved lighting was originally made by fellow Liberal Democrat councillor Ian Gilchrist at a time when the path was within his Widcombe ward. Following a boundary revision, Lime Grove Gardens is now firmly in Bathwick, and your local councillors have maintained the call to better light the pathway.

Five new LED streetlights have been installed, like the new lamp on the Darlington Place path. When turned on they will provide a bright but carefully directed light with low energy costs. The existing corroded lamp stands will be taken away when the new lights are wired up.

The pathway will be improved further when the Lime Grove School site is developed, as the builder has agreed to provide £18,000 towards necessary works.