Passing place for North Road

Passing place on North Road

Local Residents have asked for clarity in the parking area on the lower section of North Road, above the King Edwards School entrances. The road has long been used by commuters, students and others for long term unrestricted parking. A section of the road is subject to parking restrictions, so that vehicles can pass each other more easily. Previously this section had been marked by a single white line, but sometimes vehicles were parked here, making the road very narrow for passing traffic.

Double yellow lines have now been painted here, in accordance with a previous Traffic Regulation Order, which had never been implemented. Cllr David Martin chekced this out with the Council, and requested that the lines should be painted. This makes the situation clear to drivers wishing to park on North Road, and allows for a definitive passing place.

Claverton Hill closed 25th November

Part of Claverton Hill and The Avenue will be closed during the morning of 25th November.

The stretch between the American Museum and Norwood Avenue (the university) will be used between 8am and 1pm. The closure is to facilitiate filming at and around the university by the BBC. The road and campus will feature in a sports based programme to be aired on Boxing Day.

Heritage lantern project for Sydney Buildings

Repainted lamp post on Sydney Buildings

Following their success painting lamp posts, the Sydney Buildings Householders Association are launching a project to restore the historic lantens on the street.

Sadly, one of the organisers of the earlier volunteering project died while on holiday recently. In his memory, the SBHA have decided to restore the 1830 Stothert & Pitt lantern on Sydney Buidings by the canal footpath. This lamp post, Number 6, is listed, as the oldest in Bathwick. A suitable historic replacement lantern has been sourced and money is being raised by the association to buy it. Local councillor Nicholas Coombes has agreed to contribute a sum from his devolved funding for the project.

B&NES Council have supported this and previous projects and will be installing and electrifying the lantern appropriately. The streetlighting department have also agreed to install victorian style lanterns to the other eleven lamp posts recently painted.

This is an excellent example of volunteers working with the council for the good of their neighbourhood.

Free home energy savings service

David and Nicholas at the Darlington Wharf eco-houses

The Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE) provides free, local and impartial energy saving advice to B&NES residents.

They work in partnership with the local council and other specialist agencies to provide high quality, tailored energy advice to local people. CSE puts residents in touch with the most cost effective (sometimes free!) energy saving services in our area.

They will also directly assist low income households at risk of fuel poverty through advice, benefits take-up support and energy efficiency measures.

Please call them today on Freephone 0800 0822234.

AQ78 to go to Planning Inspectorate

Cllrs Symonds, Martin and Coombes on AQ78

The long running campaign to convert the path between Combe Down and Claverton Down into a safe and convenient cycle path continues.

B&NES Council made a legal order to create a Restricted Byway on the footpath, allowing legal cycling, in July. While the proposal was generally well recieved, four objections were made. This means that the issue must be sent to the Planning Inspectorate to decide.

Your local councillors are very disappointed with this further delay, but are pressing for work to improve to the path to begin before Winter.

Improvements to bus stops in Bathwick

Bathwick Hill bus stop

Bus stops along the 18 and 4 routes will be improved as part of the Bath Package delivered by the Liberal Democrat council.

The Bath Package is a multi-million pound deal between central and local government and bus companies to improve public transport. While the three expanding Park & Rides have taken most attention, ten bus routes in Bath are to be improved to ‘Showcase’ standard. This means better buses, more and improved shelters and real-time information screens to show when services are expected.

The number 4 on the Warminster Road and the 18 up Bathwick Hill and Claverton Down are among the first to be improved. Your Lib Dem councillors have been working with council staff to get the details right for Bathwick. More than ten new or improved bus shelters are proposed for Bathwick, including new shelters outside Miles House and at the Cleveland Walk junction.

There are also physical changes planned to improve access to buses, including raised kerbs, bigger bus stops and a pavement build out, half way up Bathwick Hill. Many of these will be useful, but residents are concerns about the effects on parking from others. Cllr Nicholas Coombes has passed on residents’ concerns to the transport planners, but residents are urged to take part in the consultation if a notification is sent to them.

Email updates from your councillors

David Martin and Nicholas Coombes

Bathwick’s Liberal Democrat councillors produce a regular email of local news and information.

The e-news is sent to hundreds of residents every two months. Like this website and regular Focus leaflets, it is intended to keep you up to date with local issues and campaigns and informed about the work of your local councillors.

To join the mailing list, please email

Pete Levy launches campaign in Bath

Pete Levy for Police Commissioner

The Liberal Democrat candidate for Police Commissioner, Pete Levy, launched his campaign in Bath on Saturday. The election will be held on November 15th and for the first time will give local people a say in how Avon and Somerset Police is run.

Pete met up with local councillor Nicholas Coombes to discuss the crime issues we face in Bathwick. High on Pete’s agenda is anti-social behaviour and better support for victims.

Pete said: “This is going to be a fight between me and the Conservative who cut PCSOs, cut community safety and ran Somerset Council into the ground. I know the people of Bath don’t want him to do the same to our Police force.”

Pete is former policeman himself so knows what it takes to do the job. Cllr Nicholas Coombes said “I’m really glad that Pete Levy is standing up for local communities against the Conservative. We need someone like him to make sure our police are able to continue to keep Bathwick safe.”

Parking restrictions for Lime Grove Gardens

Rennie Close construction begins

Cllr David Martin has secured concessions for Lime Grove residents affected by the construation of Rennie Close.

Building works on the old special school site started during the summer after planning permission was granted in May. Due to the restricted access to the site, it is necessary to restrict residents’ parking along one side of Lime Grove Gardens so that delivery vehicles and construction equipment can be brought safely onto the site. These restrictions have posed problems for residents as there is very little spare capacity for on-street parking in the area.

David Martin has intervened with the developers, Bloor Homes, to get a concession for reimbursing residents if they need to use nearby off-street parking for the duration of the restricted parking. The Council has also agreed to make the parking restrictions less severe and the restrictions will apply only between 9 am and 4 pm, on Mondays to Fridays.

Bathwick Hill retaining wall

Closed pavement on Bathwick Hill

Part of the pavement on Bathwick Hill has been closed to protect pedestrians from falling stones.

Over the years many Bathwick residents have noticed the deteriorating state of the retaining wall just uphill from the Youth Hostel. At your councillors’ requests, it has been inspected by the Council for safety several times.

Following this week’s heavy rain some large stones have fallen from the wall. Cllr David Martin again asked the Council’s civil engineer to check, and this time it was decided to close the pavement pending safety works.