A third generation mobile phone mast has been installed at the end of The Avenue on Claverton Down.
The mast was given planning permission two years ago, despite fourteen local objections (http://planning.bathnes.gov.uk/PublicAccess/tdc/DcApplication/application_detailview.aspx?caseno=IVHTFKCTWI000). However, in current planning law only the visible attributes of the mast can be considered; in this respect the faux-telegraph pole with rustic finish was acceptable. Nationally the Liberal Democrats seek to change planning laws so that local councils can also consider the electromagnetic radiation when determining mast applications.
Residents may take comfort from the World Health Organisation’s report finding mininal health dangers associated with phone masts (http://www.who.int/peh-emf/about/WhatisEMF/en/index5.html). Various anti-mast groups dispute this evidence.
While the phone mast itself is well disguised, the astute searcher will look for the junction box at its base.