One of the most important strategic business issues for the Council in future years is setting the most appropriate planning requirements. To do this, the Council is currently consulting on the options for key development sites and the planning policy framework in B&NES. The Placemaking Plan, together with the recently adopted Core Strategy, will be used as the basis for determining planning applications over the next 15 years. The Options document outlines various alternatives and comments are invited from the public in order to inform the next stage of the Placemaking Plan. The Plan is available to download from the Council website via this link. Please note that this is a large document (12.6 MB). The consultation runs until the end of January 2015.
The Plan includes sections on key sites in the city, including the University campus on Claverton Down. Claire Jackson said “I hope that local people will take the opportunity to look at this document, large though it is, and to provide their comments on the options being put forward by the Council”.