The application to build 206 new homes on the Warminster Road MoD site will no longer be heard at this month’s Development Control committee. The developer has asked that it be deferred until a later meeting.
Bathwick Liberal Democrat councillor David Martin has pursuaded the committee chair that the decision should be taken by the Development Control committee, so that members of the public can present their views and see the debate. 40 letters of objection to the scheme have been received by the council, including from Bathampton Parish Council, Bath Preservation Trust and from Transition Bath.
Council planning officers are recommending that the application be refused; the urban design, heritage, landscape, arboricultural, housing and parks officers objected to the proposals, as did the Environment Agency and English Heritage. The report fails the application on the grounds of urban design, harm to the conservation area and world heritage site, loss of trees, inadequate drainage, impact on neighbouring homes and failure to provide a suitable housing mix.
[…] has requested that consideration of their application by the BathNES planning committee be delayed again to Wednesday 11th […]