BathNES Council have launched their Placemaking Plan, which is part of the spatial planning policy for our area.
The Placemaking Plan, once adopted, will complement the strategic framework in the Core Strategy by setting out detailed development principles for identified development sites and other policies for managing development across Bath and North East Somerset.
The primary purpose of the Launch Document is to spark debate and discussion about detailed planning issues that need to be resolved. This initial stage in the preparation of the Placemaking Plan provides the catalyst to work with local communities and others involved in the development process. The Launch Document is presented as a discussion document, designed for community and stakeholder engagement and to generate the content for the next stage of the Placemaking Plan preparation.
This is the chance to comment on the issues and opportunities for key development sites and suggested planning policy framework for considering planning applications in Bath and North East Somerset up to 2029. You are invited to comment on the proposed scope and content of the plan and to use the discussion points and issues highlighted in the Launch Document as a basis for your response on the development sites and policy areas.
The Placemaking Plan Launch Document and Comments Form are available on the Council’s website You can use the Comments Form (click here to download the form) and send it by email to by 5pm on Friday, 20th September 2013.