Darlington Place leaning, Sydney Buildings half full

Less than perpendicular

I always walk (or cycle or bus) around Bathwick with a critical eye; a lot of the time I am satisfied, it is a very beautiful area. However, today I spotted a few bits to be fixed, after our surgery.

The cul-de-sac sign to Darlington Place has been knocked by an unfortunate motorist (or momentous pedestrian) so that it leaning quite jauntily. However, jaunty is never good for traffic signs, so I have reported it to be fixed.

 In Sydney Buildings many potholes have now been filled in along the length of the road. I reported these almost three months ago, so I am glad that they have finally got through the system. A few holes are still unfilled though and on first glace I couldn’t work out why. I’ve sent a reminder to the BathNES highways team to check up, it’s a shame to have persued it this far and not yet finished.

In good news, a yellow patch of road on Bathwick Hill just uphill of the canal has been laid. This was described to me as looking like a French market place; it is actually non-skid surface for drivers approaching the crossing to make that corner just a bit safer. I’ll give a full zebra update separately when I have a clearer situation to report.

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