The Lib Dems are freezing council tax for the third year in a row following a vote by full Council this week to approve the Liberal Democrat budget proposals for 2014-15. The Liberal Democrat listening budget will also invest in jobs and homes for the future and protect essential services.
Speaking to a packed chamber, and over 1000 people watching on the internet, Councillor Paul Crossley (Leader of the Lib Dems in B&NES and Councillor for Southdown) said:
“This administration has worked with Communities across Bath & North East Somerset to produce this budget, which has been the most consultative budget process in the history of this Council.
“We’ve listened, we’ve worked and reworked our proposals, and what we’ve produced is a budget the freezes Council Tax, invests in jobs and growth, and protects the services that our residents care about the most.”
Council also approved a proposal to invest £1 million in a Green Investment and Job Opportunities Fund could create many new jobs in the local renewable energy industry.
The idea is for the Council to invest in local renewable energy, such as solar panel technology and hydro-electric power, which could create jobs for those projects and yield a net return to local taxpayers of a predicted 2% per year from the electricity generated repaying the investment within 15 years.
Councillor David Martin said “Our area is a hotbed for hi-tech industries, including renewables. This proposed investment by Bath & North East Somerset Council would take advantage of a culture of innovation to create new jobs, develop a low carbon community less dependent on fossil fuels and further enhance our reputation as a green powerhouse for renewables both south west and nationwide.”
The Council will work in partnership with a local energy provider that would be selected through a procurement process.