One hundred and fifty local residents attended a consultation day organised by the purchasers of the Warminster Road MoD site. Your Lib Dem councillors David Martin and Nicholas Coombes had a private meeting with the development team, and also attended the consultation alongside the Leader of the Council, Cllr Paul Crossley.
Developers of the site put forward their sketch scheme for several rows of terraced houses and a residential care home, covering most of the site. A small buffer zone along the Bathhampton side of the site was left, as was canal side access. The Council concept statement idea of a second bridge over the canal was also included. However, the first draft contained no facility for the expansion of St Mary’s Primary School, which is likely to be made necessary by the new homes proposed.
“I commend the development consortium for organising this consultation day,” said Cllr Nicholas Coombes. “I hope that they continue to listen to and work with local people in developing this site. I expect David and I to have a close working relationship with the consortium to ensure that a scheme satisfactory to all is produced.”
[…] rate in this part of the city means that demand will soon rise further, and the proposed housing development on the MoD site will also contribute to the need for […]