Pete is a former policeman who’ll work hard to protect your family, home and business.
He’s had frontline police experience with Wiltshire Constabulary. He then served six years with the Royal Military Police.
He’s got in depth knowledge of Avon and Somerset Police serving on its Police Authority for the last two years. He’s dealt with budget cuts whilst working with the police to ensure they provide the highest level of service.
He will be inclusive, honest, fair, independent-minded and accountable.
On the first day of taking office he will:
- Commit our police to continue to reduce overall crime.
- Support victims of crime and ensure witnesses get the help they need.
- Robustly tackle all drugs related crime whilst working with agencies to pursue a constructive approach to drug and alcohol addiction.
- Ensure a fair share of resources across rural and urban communities.
- Commit to helping vulnerable members of society and work with other agencies to provide support for those with mental health issues.
- Tackle all violence against women and girls and all forms of exploitation.
- Be a voice for minorities in our communities.
- Work across public services to ensure a vibrant yet safe night-time economy.
- Reduce re-offending by enforcing a robust restorative justice regime.
- Tackle all types of anti-social behaviour and stand by repeat victims.
- Build an effective neighbourhood forum to focus on issues of common interest including graffiti, vandalism, speeding, dog fouling.
Pete was born in Somerset; He lives in Bristol. He knows our area and the wonderful people who live here. Like you he wants to live and work in a safe community.
Please give Pete your first preference vote on Thursday 15th November. Poll are open 7am-10pm at the normal polling stations.