AQ78 is officially a footpath!
The deadline for appeals against the inspector’s ruling has passed, so the historic path between Combe Down and Claverton Down is now officially recognised. The council is also now also able to take enforcement action against the landowner to have the fence taken down.
However, to secure a long-term solution B&NES Public Rights of Way department have decided not to enforce immediately. They are negotiating with the private landowner, council and National Trust to voluntarily dedicate the entire route a bridleway – much easier than another round of legal challenges!
Forming a full bridleway will allow children to legally cycle from Bathwick to Ralph Allen school, avoiding Claverton Down Road, and also university students to travel from Combe Down. This happens already which churns up the mud on the path and is sometimes dangerous at the Claverton Down end. Legalising and regulating this will allow improvements to the path surface and for safe traffic management at the junctions. Students from the University are already prepared to volunteer to re-surface the muddy stretch of the footpath.
Cllr Nicholas Coombes will continue to press B&NES council for a speedy resultion and give assistance as required.