Changing Lives

Changing lives website

BathNES council has produced a ‘changing lives’ website detailing the social services available improve people’s quality of lives. Says the council:

A new webpage was recently placed on the Council website that provides a much different and very personal way of raising public awareness of the services the Council provides and how residents can access those services quickly and conveniently.

“The webpage tells the real-life stories of people – told by the people themselves to video camera – whose lives have been changed by the Council and the local organisations we work with.  Many of those stories focus on people who have been in a vulnerable situation, like a domestic violence victim, a man who was homeless, and a man who was unemployed, amongst others, and how they have obtained help.  The videos provide information about how to get in contact if they, or someone they know, are in a similar position or if they want to know more about how to access the broader range of services the Council provides.

“Please have a look at the videos on: 

“Since all councillors have an important part to play in raising public awareness of the services we offer, I hope you can encourage your residents to access the webpage and add the link to your personal blogs and social media sites if you have them.”

While I am doing my bit with this public service announcement, I note that someone forgot to link the ‘changing lives’ page from either the council homepage or the A-Z section. I’ll let them know.

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