Disappointingly I’ve been revisiting some old issues this week, fixed once, which need fixing again.
The railway bridge over Pulteney Road has been tagged again, this time with “MY TEAM”. This doesn’t make much more sense than the previous tag, “THICK”, but could take as long to clean off. See previous entries here and here; it took the best part of a year to have the bridge re-painted last time. Again, Network Rail have confirmed to me that Pulteney Road will have to be closed for the tag to be painted out. A correspondant suggests “use the bridge space for a more useful and innovative purpose”. Does anyone else have any suggestions? A mural or a display board? As my photo shows, no matter how hard you try, anything looks nice on a sunny Spring day in Bath.
Also this week, the bollard on George Street (Bathwick Hill) at the junction with Darlington Street has come unstuck. I suspect that it will be repaired again, but I know a few people pushing for its removal.