King Edwards School last night re-launched their travel plan. A working group was formed to update their Travel Plan and pursue the recommendations.
While there may have been slow progress in the past, the school has worked hard to get all ‘stake-holders’ represented for the new plan. School pupils, parents, teachers and neighbours were invited and represented at last night’s meeting, plus BathNES staff and local councillor Nicholas Coombes.
“I am encouraged that the school has chosen to work with local residents on this.” said Cllr Coombes, “Travel arrangements are a matter of good neighbourliness and also of environmental concern. I am happy to join the working group to follow this through.”
Home to school tansport is a matter of concern accross the whole of BathNES (see and has been the matter of a review launched by the Liberal Democrats. Bath’s Lib Dem councillors believe that money spent on the Bath Rapid Transit bus road would be better improving and reducing the cost of transport for young people to reduce school time traffic.