PaCT meeting

This month, the Bathwick Police and Communities Together meeting re-affirmed their commitment to the previous priorities:

– tackling speeding

– mnaging anti-social behaviour in Sydney Gardens

– getting a zebra crossing over Bathwick Hill

Although there has been improvement in all of these areas since the previous meeting, the meeting decided to retain the priorities. There were very few attendees this time, so any new priorities would have been unrepresentative of the wider area. Thank you though to those who did take the time to participate.

In the last few months, our beat manager (local policeman) has moved on and his position had been filled temporarily. Avon and Somerset Police have now appointed a new beat manager and expect him to be transferred to Bathwick in the new year.

Nocturnal use of Sydney Gardens has decreased rceently, mainly due to the cold weather. However, the police have been following a new management plan recently which sees the park patrolled a lot more frequently at its ‘busy times’ ie late evenings on Friday and Saturdays. Our PCSO and supporting officers intercept alcohol as necessary from those who should not be drinking it.

Your councillors Armand Edwards and Nicholas Coombes have been pushing for the zebra crossing over the canal bridge. Since the last meeting, BathNES council have conducted a traffic survey which prove a statistical justification for the crossing, but the Conservative administration failed to include it in the spending plan. Cllr Edwards presented our petition for the zebra crossing to the cabinet member at the last meeting of the full council.

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