Tesco and parking

Illegal parking outside Tesco

I expect that you will have noticed Tesco’s eventual arrival, opening one week ago.

I have not yet been in; since working for a small Tesco four years ago I try not to shop with them! However, I have noticed that every time I pass the shop that there are cars parked in the loading bay outisde, in the narrow part by the bridge and even on the double yellow lines on the other side of the road. As a resident I spoke to yesterday pointed out, the legal parking bays are not even full most of the time, but shoppers are choosing to park illegally to get 10m closer to the store!

I have taken a few photos of the problem which I have sent to BathNES parking services to alert them of this new hot spot. However, it will have to compete with many other locations for parking warden attention.

More worryingly though, I was phoned this morning by a woman who saw Tesco lorries double parked outisde the store; one in their bay and the second on the road, blocking the cariageway. This is really not acceptable and I urge anyone who sees this sort of behaviour to record the incident as best you can. A photograph is perfect yet impractical, so numberplates and times would be very helpful. Please pass this information to me and I will present a complaint to Tesco, the council or police as appropriate.

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