Surgery moved

This month’s public surgery has a change of date and venue. Cllrs Coombes and Edwards shall be at King Edward’s School on Saturday 11th October at 11am.

This month’s venue is an attempt to move the location of the surgery around the ward to make them convenient to different areas. King Edward’s School have kindly provided us with space in the foyer of their theatre building; this is directly opposite the Cleveland Walk junction on North Road. The surgery will be signed from the car park. Bathwick St Mary’s Church have previously provided an excellent venue and service for nearly all of the other public surgeries and we hope to return there again. We also hope to use the Claverton Community Hall again in the future.

There is also a slight change of date for October. Generally the surgery is on the first Saturday of every second month. This month that clashed with the Rifles freedon parade through the city, for which I was already booked. We will also continue with our 11am starts to provide a slightly more civil start time for participants, including councillors!

Please do turn up between 11 and noon; there is no need to book an appointment. We shall be waiting to discuss any ideas and issues with you.

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