Lime Grove school site sold

Lime Grove School site 

The old school buildings on Lime Grove have now been sold by the council. Lime Grove and two other special schools were replaced by the award winning Three Ways special school.

The land, between the railway bridge on Pulteney Road and the allotments by the canal, has been bought by Unite, a student accomodation company; subject to contract exchange. Unite have one student accomodation block on the Lower Bristol Road with another under construction next door to it.

One thought on “Lime Grove school site sold

  1. Mahmuda Hill says:

    Dear Mr. Coombes, please can you tell me if the sale of Lime Grove School has gone ahead? If not, how would I approach to find out how to buy this property?

    Thank you in advance for any help you can give me.

    Yours sincerely

    Mahmuda Hill

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