Excellent press for crossing campaign

Ziggy, Nicholas and the protesters

Both the Bath Chronicle and the Western Daily Press have included our Bathwick Zebra story this week (though I wasn’t too impressed with the WDP headline!).

Cllr Gerrish (Con, Keynsham N), the cabinet member responsible, is quoted: “I have instructed highways officers to undertake measurements of footfall to establish whether the point meets statutory criteria for a crossing. I must wait until I have the factural information that this is a well used crossing point before anything else can be done.”

I have posted two questiosn to him at the next cabinet meeting asking “Does the cabinet member agree that last week’s demonstration of 50 protesters on Bathwick Hill show a clear public demand for a zebra crossing over the canal bridge? Further, do the many accidents, including a fatality in 2006, show the high level of pedestrian risk in this location.” He has previously been uncommital answering these sort of questions in the past.

One thought on “Excellent press for crossing campaign

  1. The Western Daily Press have now posted our zebra photo as their caption competition! This adds to their editorial piece calling for the crossing to be built.

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