Do you know the origins of the marker stone found near the Sham Castle? More importantly, where should it go?
In the second stage of the Sham Castle project the National Trust have prepared the ground in front of the castle to be sown as a meadow. The scrub and brambles were cleared by a group of community volunteers led by Armand and I in March. For the ploughing, the National Trust moved a historic marker stone which had been lying amongst the vegetation. When they have finished it will be moved back to a suitable location.
The Bathwick and Bathampton local history societies both have ideas about the stone and are working with the city archaeologist to agree its correct location. If you have any thoughts or information to contribute please email me and I will put you in touch with the groups. The stone is likely a marker erected by the city water board to denote a spring on the hill.
The long term management of the land in front of the Sham Castle has now been agreed between the National Trust and the Golf Course. Both have contributed towards sowing it as a wild meadow and shall be mowing it a few times per year when the grass is established.