Success for Sham Castle Volunteers

Cotswold Conservation Board Sustainable Development Fund Community volunteers at Sham Castle Armand & Nicholas lead the conservation project Volunteers clearing scrub dead hedge volunteers clearing scrub

Thank you to the volunteers who helped clear the scrub in front of Sham Castle. With local councillors Nicholas and Armand, they did an excellent
job cutting back the brambles and creating new wildlife habitats.

Young trees and scrub have grown up over the last few years blocking the view of the city from the folly. The Bathwick Lib Dems found funding for professional tree clearance and organised a community action day
to clear up the site.

The grant was from the Cotswold Conservation Board Sustainable Development Fund, the action day was managed by BTCV and the project was facilitated by the One World Society of Bath University Students’ Union. Thanks also to generous lunch donor and the BathNES Council Community Landscapes Officer who has been hugely helpful throughout.

“This was a brilliant day,” said Cllr Nicholas Coombes, “as a community we were able to do this for ourselves without simply relying on the council to fix it. The Liberal Democrats believe in empowering people to help themselves; our action day was a good example of this.”

The entire site was cleared of scrub, opening up the intended views to and from the city. A dead hedge was also laid as a habitat and wildlife corridor safe from the local buzzards.

2 thoughts on “Success for Sham Castle Volunteers

  1. Diana Jeater says:

    really excellent – just been up to see what you’ve done. I would have loved to join you – but I had to be at work.

  2. […] leading a team of volunteers to clear the scrub which has re-grown in front of the Sham Castle. The first such volunteer effort in recent years was led by Bathwick’s Lib Dem councillors in […]

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