School buses

School Bus

I’ve been contacted a few times about the terrible state of Bath’s school bus system, which leaves children waiting on the road as overcrowded buses drive past. I signed the ‘better buses’ petition several months ago and on Monday I joined their protest outside the Guildhall.

First buses, who could easily be portrayed as the villain, supplied their promotional Yellow Bus for the protest, although they continue to charge children the adult price for a season ticket. Up to 100 people, mainly parents, children and Lib Dem councillors, joined the protest on the steps of the Guildhall.

 It was timed to precede the Children’s Services Overview & Scrutiny Panel, whose meeting included an item on home to school transport. Their conclusion was to launch a review, which is probably the best that could be reasonably expected.


I’ve just discovered that Bath fm have been playing an interview with me today. The interviewer and I were a little bored before the protest started, so I just chatted to kill time. I’m told it sounded very good though, but sadly I wasn’t listening.

2 thoughts on “School buses

  1. […] to school tansport is a matter of concern accross the whole of BathNES (see and has been the matter of a review launched by the Liberal Democrats. Bath’s Lib Dem […]

  2. Ron Beaty says:

    So Glad to see Malcolm Bruce.Lim Dem Party is trying to lay a Bill before the House of Commons shortly on School Bus Safety.

    Perhaps if other MPs will listen to what he says, it will help save childrens lives on school transport.
    It is a sad state of affairs when we allow school children to be killed & seriously injured.

    I would urge all drivers to slow down or in fact stop when passing a school bus, most will be Parents & Grand Parents in any case, so should have a vested interest.

    Yes we never thought it would happen to our familes, but it did, [ as it could to your ] & yes all our children were fully aware of how important road safety is.

    You might care to view a 2 minute DVD on

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